Bob's Spanish Page for 8th graders


Wednesday: Play Spanish games below to learn better vocabulary


Spanish Word: English Definition:


Fill in English/Spanish Vocabulary:

After you play all the games, CLICK HERE to vote on your favorite

Wednesday Continued: After you have completed the above games and voted for your favorite, Practice the following English to Spanish phrases. Learn the meaning of each word in the Phrase:
Use Google Translator to hear how the Phrases are spoken in Spanish.

Google Translator:  You can hear these on Google Translator
Practice them. 


I think you are a very nice person.  Creo que eres una persona muy agradable

What is your name? ¿Cuál es su nombre?

Can I have a drink of water?  ¿Puedo tomar una copa de agua?

Have you read any good books?  ¿Has leído buenos libros?

My name is Bob Gill.   Mi nombre es Bob Gill

I am 14 years old.   Tengo 14 años de edad.

I have 2 brothers and one sister.   Tengo 2 hermanos y una hermana.

My favorite food is ribeye steak.  Mi comida favorita es bistec de chuletón.

What is your favorite movie?   ¿Cuál es tu película favorita?

My favorite hobies are fishing and golfing.​  Mis aficiones favoritas son la pesca y el golf.


THURSDAY: I am bringing a video camera to record your translations from
                     English to Spanish~! 
                     LET'S have fun with this project!!