Pointer Responses

Russell Miller: I fondly remember my time at USD/S. I've told 100s of stories about those years and the people I knew, can't imagine my life without those 4 years in it. I was the School Photographer for several years and have many pictures and negatives in boxes, maybe it's time I took them out; looked them over and shared them. After leaving USD/S, I tried to make the most of those 7 College Degrees I was given in the spring of 81. I started off designing TV Antennas for Radio Shack in the 80s, then Test Engineer for a Defense Contractor, Operation Manger with an Electronics Company, Office Manager for a Tech Company and finished off as a Purchasing Manager. However, the Best think I ever did was meet my wife thirdly some years ago and start a family. Being along for that ride has been the most wonderful years of my life and will live on longer than anything I built, after all who even owns a TV Antenna anymore. I've traveled most of the US and now doing some worldly trips but have made my home here is Sioux Falls for the past 26 years, I'm little greyer, slower and bigger, but still kicking and liven the good life. Russ

Bob:  Nice to hear from you Russ- You've had an interesting life!

Paul Oien: Thank You for reaching out to me. I graduated in 1979 from USD/S. I worked at our family own farm equipment business I started with my dad in 1979 to 1994. In 1994 I went back to school at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and graduated in 1999 with BS in Civil Engineering. I went to work in Pierre work for DOT and then the last three years for DENR. In 2012 I want to work for John Deere in Waterloo Iowa working at PEC and at Engine works. I live east of Waterloo in Independence Iowa. I did have a question. There was a Keith Gill who taught in Kadoka, SD (my home town) when I was in high school. He was from Avon, SD. Just wondering if he is any relation?

Bob: I think he is a distant Relative
Jerry Shepherd:  Bob, thanks for creating the USD/S site.

Bob: My Pleasure Jerry! Glad it brings memories to former Pointers
Gwen Van Gerpen: Hello, Bob thanks for the update. Do You have you registration in?
The next issue of the Pulse II should come out early July.

I've checked out your website several times.
The Pulse II does not have a website as of now.
My years at Southern :1970-74 and was teaching there when it closed.
My hubby went from 1969-1973 and I'm sure you remember his from the bb team. Jim Van Gerpen

I find it interesting that you were at Oldham. Did you teach there? Oldham is my Mom's hometown so have been up there many times. Oldham use to host basketball games and Jim played in that tourney several times.

Did you want me to put something in the Pulse II if we have room?

Bob's Response: Hi Gwen, Thanks for responding! Jim and I were on the same team when I was a freshman - Jim- senior? I remember that great left-hand shot of his! Tom Maxwell and I were the two lone freshmen on the basketball team. Jim was a very good player and leader! I also really liked Don Baker as our coach. I was sad to see Don leave Springfield.

I would love to have my website advertised anywhere you want! - I've got many hours into it, and us Pointers are not getting any younger. My goal was to keep USD/S - SSC a great college memory for Alumni - and let others know it wasn't always a prison!!

My first job in 1976 was at Oldham. You probably remember Red Beckett, because he was the one that had the famous Oldham tournament. He recruited me to Oldham right after college. I played in that tournament two or three times also on an All-Star team. It was amazing how many good basketball players came to Oldham to play. Well It's getting late, please keep in touch. Thanks again for the email response!

Gwen: Yes, I remember the Red's name. He was a great referee.

I've seen the annual the year you and Max (Tom Maxwell) were freshman. Too bad we lost Max when he was so young. He was a special guy.

Jim really thought a lot about Don Baker and his high school coach Jon Westling, who became a football coach at southern.

I saw Don's sister in Scotland at Gary Pepper's (1972 grad) funeral. Don talked Pep into applying at Scotland (Baker's home town). That was the only town he taught in, It was fun when I taught at Scotland to work with Pepper and then again on the Museum Board.

Dan Kreir is on the board also.

Have fun.....I wish I had your computer skills.

Bob's Response: Don Baker was one of the best coaches I've ever had!